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Download Animal Ethics in Context by Clare Palmer in PDF, MOBI


In this controversial book, Clare Palmer claims that, with respect to assisting animals, what is owed to one animal is not necessarily owed to all, even if they share similar capacities., It is widely agreed that because animals feel pain we should not make them suffer gratuitously. Some ethical theories go even further: because of the capacities that they possess, animals have the right not to be harmed or killed. These views concern what not to do to animals, but we also face questions about when we should, and should not, assist animals that are hungry or distressed. Should we feed a starving stray kitten? And if so, does this commit us, if we are to be consistent, to feeding wild animals during a hard winter? In this controversial book, Clare Palmer advances a theory that claims, with respect to assisting animals, that what is owed to one is not necessarily owed to all, even if animals share similar psychological capacities. Context, history, and relation can be critical ethical factors. If animals live independently in the wild, their fate is not any of our moral business. Yet if humans create dependent animals, or destroy their habitats, we may have a responsibility to assist them. Such arguments are familiar in human cases-we think that parents have special obligations to their children, for example, or that some groups owe reparations to others. Palmer develops such relational concerns in the context of wild animals, domesticated animals, and urban scavengers, arguing that different contexts can create different moral relationships.

Clare Palmer - Animal Ethics in Context download ebook DOC, MOBI, DJV

It's a package deal known as the domestication syndrome, elements of which are also found in humans.In the Babel we have created for ourselves, it is the silence of animals that both reproaches and bewitches us.Judith Still analyses Derrida's late writings on animals, especially his seminars The Beast and the Sovereign, to explore ethical questions of how humans treat animals and how we treat outsiders, from slaves to terrorists., What is man?Though he knew his partner Derek wouldn't be enthusiastic, he agreed to take the adorable little pig anyway, thinking he could care for her himself.Not at her old school, nor at the new one, which she started when her parents died in a freak motorbike accident.Elements of the domestication syndrome can be found in every domesticated species not only cats, dogs, pigs, sheep, cattle, and horses but also more recent human creations, such as domesticated camels, reindeer, and laboratory rats.In "Beyond Words," readers travel to Amboseli National Park in the threatened landscape of Kenya and witness struggling elephant families work out how to survive poaching and drought, then to Yellowstone National Park to observe wolves sort out the aftermath of one pack's personal tragedy, and finally plunge into the astonishingly peaceful society of killer whales living in the crystalline waters of the Pacific Northwest.The tools in this manual have been developed and tested with owners of working horses, donkeys and mules and are used daily with animal-owning communities in developing countries.The text offers a complete account of over 1,900 wild flowers of Britain and Ireland, along with a summary of their European distribution.They realize that all of nature is in flux.From these encounters, he began folding origami pieces for personal enjoyment, and to share with other origami makers.