Julia Ross - Getting into College with Julia Ross : Finding the Right Fit and Making It Happen read online book EPUB, DJV, TXT


Does it seem like everyone else around you is all set with their life''s plans? Does it seem like you are the only one who has no idea of how to begin your college search process? And do you sometimes feel like it might be best to forgo the college route and just join the Marines? Call yourself normal. Every student and parent with whom I have worked over the past fifteen years in College Coaching has had the same doubts and fears. In this book I will share some of those stories.I promise that all of the stories end well with students happily settled in college. It is the getting there that is hard, more emotionally-charged, than anything else.A neat part about Getting into College with Julia Ross: Finding the Right Fit & Making it Happen is that it is designed to help all types of students. The process and strategies outlined in this book will work for middle of the road B students, mid-range C struggling students and the all-A- superstars.Will all of these students get into Harvard and Yale? Absolutely not. Do they all want to go to Harvard and Yale? Again, absolutely not! We tend to get caught up in the brand name of colleges just as we do in the brand name of cars and clothing. The goal of the college coaching handbook is to help students identify colleges that meet their individual needs (academically, socially, athletically, and financially). Yes, you are in the driver''s seat. You will choose colleges that will fit you! In Chapter Two, you will read about decision criteria, take a survey and develop your very own college list. Chapter Three will help you understand the Numbers Game, made up of test scores and your GPA. It will help you to calibrate your safety, attainable and reach schools so that you can develop a realistic list of colleges to visit and submit applications.Of course, the next question is how to make the colleges want you. Right? Once you have developed a list of colleges with appropriate admissions standards, you will give a lot of thought to what you have to offer these colleges. The admissions process from the colleges'' point of view is no secret. Colleges are looking to develop a community of students; students who are leaders, musicians, athletes, researchers, etc. They want to fill their classes with a diversity of interests and talents.In Chapter Four, you will work on packaging yourself to present to the colleges. Just as your parents develop a resume or fill out a job application listing their experience and skills, you will also. It is about packaging - not with glitter and bows and untruths. Instead you will work with your parents, teachers, mentors and guidance counselors to develop a glowing Student Resume. Yes, you can glow too!Your student resume will accompany your requests for recommendations. Your resume will help your teachers, guidance counselors, coaches or family friends to write about what a great addition you will be to the college community. Chapter Six will help you to choose potential recommenders and write letters requesting recommendations.Chapter Five will help you fill out those all-important college applications. Your student resume will help you to fill out your applications; it will remind you of your achievements to include on the application. This chapter will also help to unravel the complexities of Early Decision, Early Action, Rolling Admissions Plans, among others.In Chapter Seven, you will face the task of writing the dreaded college essay. In addition to providing an overview and list of do''s and don''ts, the chapter includes essays ranging from two full pages (1000 words) to the short answer (200) word essay. You will surely enjoy these essays as they range from the comical to the tear-jerker. You may be surprised to find out that none of these great essays was written by an academic superstar and at least two were written by students in the low-C range., Let Julia Ross help you to identify colleges that meet your individual needs - academic, social, athletic, and financial.

Read online ebook Getting into College with Julia Ross : Finding the Right Fit and Making It Happen TXT

The good newsis that you can something to protect your children with a few simple changes!Written in an-easy-to-understand style, the book also offers step-by-step procedures and tips on writing great essays.In this study, Piers Baker-Bates approaches Sebastiano s career through analysis of the patrons he attracted following his arrival at Rome.And professors--remember them?--rarely teach undergraduates at many major universities, instead handing off their lecture halls to cheaper teaching assistants.The standards provide teachers and parents with an understanding of what students are expected to learn.Learn how to clear out what you don't need, room by room, with step-by-step methods to declutter using just five refuse bags, so you'll soon have a clear and tidy living space.Whether you're cramming for the test at the last minute, looking for an extra chemistry boost, or want to study on your own in preparation for the exam this is one study guide every AP student must have!